It seems the days are flying by and hopefully you’ve already planned a revision timetable to help you get through them. There’s a lot of information out there about what to do to plan your time, how to revise and sometimes contradictory study tips. But what about exam day tips? Follow these simple guidelines to help you through the final 24 hours.
The Night Before
One of the most important exam day tips is to get enough sleep. Don’t drink alcohol the night before or caffeine late at night. You need to be refreshed and alert for the following day and you’ll feel much better for your full 8 hours of rest. Do something relaxing, read a book, watch a film. Some people swear by watching comedy as it helps them to forget the stress and relax properly. Oh and don’t forget to set your alarm clock for a reasonable time the following morning.
Rise and Shine
In setting your alarm, leave yourself plenty of time for a relaxing shower. It’ll invigorate you and wake you up properly. Put some soft music on while you dress. It’ll relax you and help distract you from the thoughts going around your head. “Eat a good breakfast” seems to be one of the most recommended exam day tips but ignore the pseudoscience suggestions of how nuts increase brain power or memory. Eat something healthy and which you enjoy. Don’t be afraid to go over some last minute notes, but it’s not essential.
The Last Hour
The most important exam day tip is to arrive in plenty of time. Set off earlier in case of problems on the roads; arriving early will also give you plenty of time to mix with friends. Use the opportunity to share ideas and fire quick questions at each other. It feels good to help each other and this will be your final opportunity to ask friends to clarify things with which you may still be struggling.
The toilet may not be beckoning but it is a good idea to go now rather than during the exam.
In The Exam Hall
Exams can sometimes last two hours or more so take a bottle of water in with you. Don’t drink it all at once as this is likely to make you want to use the toilet. Get comfortable and organise your pens, stationery and any workbooks in a way you feel will help you work more easily. Exam day tips don’t end here and now may be a good idea to do some breathing exercises. You may be hyper-alert and on the edge of stress – pulse racing and palms sweating. Long, deep breaths will help calm your mind.
Not an exam day tip as such, but it is important for your mood to give yourself a reward at the end of the exam. Whether that’s a bar of chocolate, going to lunch with your friends or a drink in the student bar – it’s great to socialise and wind down afterwards.