The University of Cambridge; known for being one of the finest establishments of education in the world. It is famous throughout the English-speaking world and is, in-fact, the third oldest surviving university in history. Founded centuries ago in 1209, this prestigious university is one of the hardest to get into in Britain. That being said, it still features a population of over 18,000 students.

Student Life in Cambridge
Far from being a stuffy, aristocratic, abode for only the rich and powerful, Cambridge actually has a thriving student scene and it set in the midst of a city very welcoming of young people. You’d be forgiven for thinking the best night out in Cambridge was a tour of the local libraries as TV and movies have painted a rather unfair picture, in truth the city is overflowing with bars, clubs and pubs for students to get stuck in to. Most are easy on the wallet and offer student deals, nights and themes, however, there are a number of traditional pubs filled with the sort of characters you’d expect from Cambridge, so unless you want to be mercilessly tutted at, avoid these sorts of places. However, due to its pedigree, the university does attract the highest achieving students and for those of you who want culture mixed in with your drinking the town offers up great art and music scenes. Along with all of this, the university features one of the largest student unions in the world, with such societies as the debating club, the assassins guild (A game similar to paint-balling, not actually killing people) and the world famous rowing team. The cost of living in Cambridge is also relatively cheap all things considered, so you might be able to survive in this illustrious city, living a student life, after all.

Accommodation in Cambridge
Student Accommodation in Cambridge is a mixed bag. While the university offers up some the most extravagant halls in the country, they are of-course not to everybody's liking; or perhaps you are a second or third year student and they won’t give you a place. If that is the case, then don’t worry, we at Pads for Students have many properties in Cambridge that could easily be your new home, without the stress of house hunting.
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